Case Studies
These three case studies provide a handy overview of the type of work we are typically called in to deliver.
In each case we provide an executive summary, an explanation of the project and details of the results we delivered.
Case Study One - Executive Committee of Bank seeks support for teamwork challenges
The CEO requested our support to improve behaviours and collaboration in the Executive Committee of an international bank. This case study is interesting because it reminds us that even very senior individuals can sometimes lack necessary interpersonal behaviours for effective leadership. It also demonstrates that behavioural change can be made over a short time if the right tools and coaching is provided. We provided a package of behavioural assessments, training, and coaching. Click the image to open the pdf.
Case Study Two - Global Tech PLC
requires alignment and clarity
We were brought in by the Chief Procurement Officer to step change teamwork and team performance for a very busy new team. The request was to improve collaboration and trust and overall effectiveness of the group. This case study is interesting because it shows how fast a new team can begin working together and create a positive meaningful culture. Click the image to open the pdf.
Case Study Three - National Retail Chain
sees improved results and engagement
for senior operational team
We were brought in to support a geographically dispersed team with highly pressurised roles. This case study is interesting because it demonstrates the speed of positive change possible for a dispersed team with demanding roles operating in difficult market conditions. We saw uplifts performance and resilience improvements across 70% of metrics. Click the image to open the pdf.